Plato Thinkers Salmon Recipe Dog Treats, 6.5Oz
Plato Thinkers Salmon Recipe Dog Treats are made with only the best all-natural and organic ingredients that will support your pets’ nutritional needs, without any artificial preservatives, meat by-products or meals. These tasty treats contain DHA to help support proper brain function, and over 90% salmon. They’re hypoallergenic, which means they’re great for dogs with food allergies, skin issues or other food sensitivities. Plus, they help support good digestion and circulation, and contain omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, which help promote a shiny coat. Naturally preserved and high in iron and protein, these treats are sure to be winner, winner, salmon dinner. A healthy, high protein treat with over 90% salmon that’s naturally preserved with no meat by-products or meals; Contains DHA to help support proper brain function for your favorite friend; Made with all natural ingredients and fortified with antioxidant vitamins, zinc propionate and vitamins E and C; No artificial colors, flavors, synthetic preservatives, or GMOs, so you know it’s the real deal; The perfect size treat for dogs of all sizes and ages